jungle pretends to be a song, provoked by a score. As a song, jungle is a platform to join people together to make noise; is indeterminate as to the number of participants, time duration, and instruments or noise sources, which are up to the collective.

More conceptually, with selva I try to invoke our, maybe unknown, spirits from within the jungle, forest or sea, following shuar traditions. This spirits, if properly eaten, give us their force, their talents, their knowledge and their identity, becoming our companions. jungle as an invocation is a multivocal and polirythmic complex order.

I document the interpretations of jungle with different simultaneous sound recorders walking about the group to later mix cuadraphonic and stereo versions depending on the space to intervene, be it gallery or radiowaves, etc.

score / group performance / social sculpture

in my house with La Banda Sin Nombre Aun

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At Quito´s main square with Yasunidos ecological activist colective

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At Quito´s main square with classmates from Mauricio Bejarano´s soundscape workshop

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