Christian Proaño (1978) is an interdisciplinary artist from Quito, Ecuador. Bachelor in Plastic Arts by thel Colegio de Artes Plásticas of the Central University of Ecuador, in Quito; Bachelor in Sonic Arts by Middlesex University in London and Master in Visual Anthropology by Flacso in Quito. His practice transits between the intervention into the soundscape and public space, drawing and sculpture and interactive and colaborative perfomances and installations. Has shown his work in many local and international galleries and museums , has presented his sonic work in concerts and festivals locally and regionally, and has issued several records independently and with Buh Records from Peru. Co -founder of rED rUIDISTAS del Ecuador, independent collective of random intervention into the soundscape; and member of redce, Red de Compositores del Ecuador, colectives with whom has co-organized festivals, encounters, exhibitions and concerts locally. Has worked in many formal and informal spaces of knowledge interchange among kids, teenagers and adults, from one teacher community schools to universities and my own studio. His academic and artistic research interest are soundscape and the social construction of noise and silence, new arts technologies and new media, and art pedagogies.
Christian Proaño

Quito, Ecuador

Montufar N9-11 y Esmeraldas, Quito



2009-2011 FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador. MA Visual Anthropology and Ethnographic Documentary.

2000-2003 Middlesex University. London, UK. BA Sonic Arts


1996-1998 Armand Hammer UWC, Montezuma, NM, USA. International Baccalaureatte Bilingual Diploma.

1994-1996 University College of Plastic Arts, Quito. Graphic Arts Baccalaureatte.

2016-2017 natural throat singing and polyrythmics with Pascal DeNeufville, CAC, Quito
2013 on soundscape, with Mauricio Bejarano, CAC, Quito
2012 audivisual script development with Daniel Díaz, CNCine , Manta
2008 Pure Data programming at the USFQ, Quito
2006 SuperCollider programming with Luis Enríquez, CSNM, Quito
2006 videodance production with Rocío Becerril, Bogotá
1995 handkraft papermaking with ChPalacios, Quito
1995 digital arts with Oscar García, Quito
1994 printmaking techniques with ChPalacios, Quito


* 2018 "río quieto", visual essay in POST(S) No.3, USFQ, Quito
*2015 “La investigación artística en el sistema arte-cultura: hacia una educación artística emancipadora”, Index MAGAZINE de la Facultad de Artes y Diseño de la Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
*2008 "Voces sin cuerpo o la experiencia acusmática" in Anaconda magazine No. 15.


Ubuntu and MacOSX platforms
software Multimedia: PudeData / MaxMSP / Adobe Audition-Ilustrator-Premiere / ProTools / Final Cut Pro / SoundHack.
Hardware: Arduino / RaspberryPI


* Teacher of Arts and Society and Transdisciplinary Workshop at foundation level for Visual Arts and Music, Central University of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. March 2018-present

*video editor and sound designer for the colective Unidad Pelota Cuadrada. 2009-2019.

* Composer in residence at the National Dance Company for the creation and production of a dance espectacle. May- September 2017.

* Teacher of Transdisciplinary Lab and of New Media, at the Critical Theories and Experimental Practices; and teacher of Sound Design at the School of Visual Arts at the University of the Arts, Guayaquil, Ecuador. May 2015- December 2016

* Field Researcher at the Ruta 24 de Mayo-La Ronda for Talleres Abiertos Quito, summer of 2014.
*Co-editor, together with Ana Fernández and Libertad Gills, of the cultural critique fanzine WiriWiri. 4 numers in 2014.

* Winner of one of the State Funds for the Arts 2014, category Radiotheater, in a coproduction with Teatro Ojo de Agua. Ahorcados, El Iluminado Alucinamiento de Pablo Palacio, 12 15 minutes chapters. Sound Design, Production, Edition and Mastering.

* Sound Design for the radio novel Eloy Alfaro, El Aguila Roja, produced for the Public Radio in a coproduction with Teatro Ojo de Agua. 2013. 30 15 minutes chapters.

*Field researcher inLoja, El Oro and Pichincha, under the direction of Carlos Terán Vargas of the Escenic and Performatic Arts Secretary of the Culture Ministry.January-March 2013. Job consisted in the guidance of focus groups and interviews made at the province´s capitals.

*Introduction to programming in graphic environments workshop: a video sampler in PureData, Diferencial, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito, december 2013.12 horas

*Teacher of Sound in the Communications and Graphic Arts School, and Antrhopology in the Ecological tourism School, San Gregorio of Portoviejo University. May-October 2013

*Winner of one of Funds for the Arts of the Ministry of Culture 2012,. An ethnography of my drug dealers, and their life stories translated to comic .

*Direct sound and sound mix "Historia de Engabao, Parte I" by Libertad Gills,Todo por Natura residence, Engabao, 2012.

*sound mix and sound design for the short documentary "Y tú, ¿qué ves?", by Violeta Montellano, 2010.

* Scholar and Researcher at FLACSO, Quito. October 2009- October 2011.

* Art teacher at the community school in Jatumpamba, Pichincha, living in the community and working with kids from 4 to 13 years old.

*Sound and video design for the play Ubu Rey by the group La Totora. 2009.

*Music composition for the dance production Lo siento by the group Amalgama. 2008.

*Drawings for the book 400 cuerpos by Roy Siguenza. 2008.

*Video design for the work Que no haya pena, Grupo Ojo de Agua, Premio Selección Nacional de Proyectos Escénicos 2007 del Teatro Sucre.

*MAX/MSP programming and live electronics in the Boletín y Elegía de las Mitas by Mesías Maiguashca, produced by Teatro Sucre. 2007.

*Teacher of Musical Information Technologies, Intro to Contemporary Music and Studio Techniques, at the Composition and Research Department, DIC, in the National Conservatory of Music. Quito, September 2006- October 2008.


* Individual Exhibitions

*2015 “canciones”, No-lugar, Quito
*2013 “drogas”,La Naranjilla Mecánica,Quito
*2012 “sexo”, No-lugar, Quito
*2010 "La Mirada de los Otros sobre nosotros", No-lugar, Quito
*2008 "El cuarto oscuro", Galería Proceso, Cuenca, Ecuador
*1999 Asociación Humbolt, Quito.

con el colectivo jaguar:

*2009 "tránsitos, transes y traslados: 4 obras para el espacio público", Proyecto ExpoExpress del Museo Camilo Egas, Quito.

* Exposiciones Colectivas

*2020 colectiva, Spacio, Quito
*2019 Entornos Tangibles, Cumandá, Quito
* 2019 Dinámicas Urbanas, CCM, Quito
*2018 El ocaso de la naturaleza, Salón del Pueblo, Cuenca; Arte Actual, Quito
*2018 Las Meninoise con Los Plásticos, Funkafest, Guayaquil
*2018 Accidentes Geográficos, Casa Neomudejar, Madrid
*2017, Permutación Sonora, Los Plásticos, Guayaquil
*2016 chaupi Equateur, Casa Latinoamericana, París
*2016 La Fecundidad de la Incertidumbre, MAAC, Guayaquil
*2014 Salón de Junio, Machala, Mención de Honor.
*2014 “Hay tantas cosas que quiero decirte”, No-lugar, Quito
*2012 Bienal de Arte No Visual, Guayaquil
*2012 Agachaditos del Arte Contemporáneo, MAG, Quito
*2012 EcuaUIO, diversos eventos, Quito
*2011 SIART Bienal de Bolivia, La Paz
*2011 Festival de Artes al Aire Libre, Guayaquil
*2011 Alterego Festival de Video Arte, Quito
*2010 Bang!, Arte Actual, Quito
*2009 En Dialogo Arte Povera, Arte Actual, Quito
*2009 III Festival de Arte en la Calle, Quito
*2008 Otro Arte (con jaguar), Centro Cultural Itchimbía, Quito,
*2008 The unfair fair, Galería Loto Arte, Roma
*2008 Tensa Calma, DPM Gallery, Guayaquil
*2008 Arte Sonoro, Galería El Container, Quito.
*2008 Sexto Festival de Arte Urbano AlZurich, proyecto seleccionado, Quito.
*2007 Aparecidos, muestra del proyecto residencia Curare, Museo de la Ciudad, Quito
*2007 Residencia Solo con Natura Isla Santay, Guayaquil
*2007 En Construcción, Espacio Arte Actual, Quito
*2007 El camino del símbolo, Estampería Quiteña, Quito
*2006 junto a María Rosa Vargas en la Naranjilla Mecánica, Quito
*2006 La Barata Mecánica, La Naranjilla Mecánica, Quito
*2005 Casa abandonada junto a Rickie, Quito, muestra de la documentación del Segundo Festival de Arte Urbano AlZurich.
*2004 Noveno Salón Nacional de Arte Fundación El Comercio, Tercer Premio.
*2003 Earjob, en la galería Hanbury, Londres.
*2000 junto a Diego Jara en la sala Eduardo Kingman de la Casa de la Cultura, Quito.


*2016 masaje en El oxigenador, Guayaquil
*2013 Composición No6,1960 de LaMonteYoung + instrumento Guayasamín, EcuaUIO, Casa de la Cultura, Quito
*2012 ...y rock n´roll, II Festival Música Viva, Quito
*2012 el arrastre, EcuaUIO, parque Itchimbía, Quito
*2012 ...y rock n´roll, inaguración VFFF, Centro Cultural Eugenia Mera, Ambato
*2012 romper la ley, ...y rock n´roll, y S/T, Casa de La Música, Quito
*2011 …y rock n´roll,Integraciones, I Encuentro de Músicos Experimentales de Latinoamérica, Lima, Perú
*2010 S/T en la Bienal de Música de Loja, Loja
*2010 S/T II en el XII Festival Ecuatoriano de Música Contemporánea, Quito
*2008 romper la ley, Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrión, Quito.
*2008 Composición No.10 1960 de LaMonte Young, XI Festival Ecuatoriano de Música Contemporánea, Quito.
*2007 AVC, Estación de Chimbacalle, Séptimo Festival del Sur, Quito.
*2006 romper la ley, teatrino del Centro Cultural Eliécer Gaitán, Bogotá.
*2006 Ärbol, Auditorio de uso múltiple, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá.
*2006 GIA y Voyeur, X Festival Ecuatoriano de Música Contemporánea, Quito
*2004 Segundo Festival de Arte Urbano AlZurich, Composición No.10 1960 de LaMonte Young
*2003 Pared de sonido y Espacio circular, Earjob, Hanbury Gallery, Londres.

con el colectivo jaguar:

*2009 intercambio y sutura en Espacio Diverso, encuentro internacional de intervención urbana en Pichincha: Sangolquí, Quito, Puerto Quito y Pedro Vicente Maldonado.
*2009 Todo por un Yorch, Guayaquil


*2017 La voz de Walter Benjamin en una guitarra / autoproducido
*2012 rED rUIDISTAS toca John Cage / autoproducido
*2012 Barrio Plástico / autoproducido
*2010 Coma Split (con Omar Lavalle), Buh Records, Lima, Perú
*2008 oral / autoproducido
*2008 II compilación del sello argentino Sudamérica Electrónica.
*2006 romper la ley / autoproducido
*2004 4 drones / autoproducido